Using Case Studies in Marketing your Med Spa Business

Are you using case studies in marketing your med spa business? If not, this is the post for you!  Too often med spa owners overlook this marketing strategy. In this post, I’ll be teaching you how to pick the perfect client that will market your med spa for you with a case study. We’ll also look at how to ask for testimonials for your business. Let’s get started!

Finding the Perfect Client When Using Case Studies in Marketing Your Med Spa

It’s time to let your clients rave about you! No one can market your med spa better than a satisfied customer. So take some time to research which of your clients would be best for a case study. You should have several case studies that address different experiences with your range of products and services. Ask yourself these questions:


  • Which clients already rave about your business and services?
  • Which clients would be willing to let you document their entire journey and results?
  • Which clients would be perfect case studies for your website? Who has had the best skincare & and treatment results? They will be representing your business to future clients.

Tell a Story of Transformation with your Case Study

So, what is a case study? A case study is a story of transformation. Your client tells their experience before working with you, while working with you and how life is different after working with you. For example, you decide to do a case study on a customer who had your  ______ treatment. You would interview them and have them share: 

  • the problem they were having that made them come into your med spa for the service
  • their step by step process of working with you to solve that problem
  • how life is different after the service/treatment

Choose a client that is a repeat customer so that they can share how their experience has led to more treatments, services, etc.  


The Process of Performing a Case Study

A case study begins with an interview that is done by you or a more neutral third party. Research says that we are more likely to share with a neutral third party so it makes sense to delegate out the interview piece. During the interview, your customer is prompted with questions to tell their story. Make sure to get all the information you are looking for. I recommend doing the interview via Zoom so that you can have video and audio. Pull quotes from the interview that you can use in your marketing. After the interview, write the case study out in story form. Make sure to include SEO keywords that will lead people to you. Put the story on your website, in an email sequence, and repurpose it across all of your marketing channels.

How to Get Testimonials for your Business

Testimonials are also important for your business. You probably have them already, but are you utilizing them to promote your med spa business? Case studies tell a story, but testimonials give a quick snapshot of the customer experience. Your business needs both. You can get testimonials from your clients in a variety of ways.

  • Create a Google form and have them complete a testimonial online. Include the link to the Google form in your emails and social media accounts
  • Create a QR code for your Google form to share with customers so they can complete a testimonial right away.
  • Have your front desk gather testimonials for you clients as part of your rescheduling process


Using Case Studies and Testimonials to Market Your Med Spa

The best way to market your med spa is by letting others tell their transformation story. Let your customers do your marketing for you! Research says that testimonials are one of the top five marketing pieces now. Also 90% of buyers who read positive customer success content claim that it influences their purchasing decisions. (Dimensional Research). And Case Studies? According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of the most successful content marketers use case studies. Start using testimonials and case studies in your med spa business today!


Need help creating a case study or testimonial template? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call today! 



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Hi I’m Emily!

At Spa Project we provide Strategic Sales Coaching for Medical Spas by guiding you to design the strategy behind your customer’s sales journey so that you can grow your business at the pace that you want. 

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